That's a wrap for Legal Tree at Philippine Startup Week 2019!

Legal Tree is proud to announce that it has successfully completed its first-ever public exhibit at Philippine Startup Week 2019!

Legal Tree is proud to announce that it has successfully completed its first-ever public exhibit at Philippine Startup Week 2019!

Thank you to all those who dropped by our booth to learn more about our service and how we make legal help simple and affordable for ordinary persons and small-to-medium sized businesses. We truly appreciate your engagement and feedback.

Avail of our service to get easy, simple and affordable access to all the essential personal and business documents for your business and day-to-day transactions.

Philippine Startup Week 2019 is the country’s first large-scale collaborative initiative by the Department of Science and Technology, the Department of Trade and Industry, the Department of Information and Communications Technology, QBO Innovation Hub and various private agencies, to showcase the Filipino startup community through simultaneous nationwide events. 

PHSW19 offers a series of events across the country, each highlighting the entrepreneurial spirit and technological innovations of Philippine startups and startup enablers.  Participated by 7 cities around the country, PHSW2019 consists of a 3-day Main Summit, over 50 nationwide community events, and 4 night fests, this 5 day conference features various opportunities to discover the latest advancements in tech and innovation, network with key players in the ecosystem, and to engage with the most promising startups in the country. 

Learn more about Philippine Startup Week 2019 at its official website at: