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A Secretary's Certificate is a written document by the Corporate Secretary used to certify corporate acts or records (i.e. Board Resolutions passed by the Board of Directors). It is also signed and sealed by the Corporate Secretary.
A Secretary's Certificate is required when amending the Articles of Incorporation to show that the amendments have been duly approved by the required vote of the stockholders or members of the corporation. It is also needed when increasing or decreasing the authorized capital stock. Specifically, it is needed to certify:
A Secretary's Certificate may also be needed to show the authority of a person who will enter into transactions, such as contracts, on the corporation’s behalf.
This Secretary’s Certificate certifies that the following Board Resolutions were passed by the Board of Directors:
A contract is voidable if the individual that signed the contract on the corporation’s behalf did not have the authority to do so. The best way to prove that an individual is authorized to act on a corporation behalf (i.e. to sign a contract on the corporation’s behalf) is to ask for a "Secretary's Certificate" stating that the Board of Directors have voted to delegate authority to a specific individual or group to sign and enter into such contract. If you have a signed and sealed Secretary's Certificate stating that the corporation has delegated authority to that individual, any contract signed by that individual on the corporation's behalf would be binding on the corporation.
To create your Secretary’s Certificate you’ll need the following minimum information: