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Things you need to know about Website Privacy Policy.

1. What is a Privacy Policy?

A Privacy Policy is your company's statement of how you collect, use, store, protect, disclose and transfer both the personal and nonpersonal information of your users. The definition of personal data includes names, addresses (physical or e-mail), IP addresses, telephone numbers, date of birth and financial information, such as debit or credit card details. The Privacy Policy also describes how your company complies with its legal obligations in handling users’ information, such as the security measures in place to protect user data, and how users can seek recourse should the company fail to meet those responsibilities.

2. When do you need a Privacy Policy?

You need a Privacy Policy if you have a website that collects information from users and you want to inform users how your website uses the information collected. Many websites require users to indicate that they have read the policy when they first provide their information. Requiring users to indicate that they have read the policy demonstrates the company’s commitment to meeting data privacy regulations.

Generally, any website that processes payments must have a stringent Privacy Policy because not only are these websites collecting data such as names and addresses, but they are also accessing financial information such as credit card or bank account details. A breach of this data could have serious consequences for the users affected.

3. How can a Privacy Policy protect you?

Where any personal information is being gathered from users - however limited - a Privacy Policy is a regulatory requirement across most of the world. Even if your website does not collect information you should consider having a Privacy Policy because it will give your website additional credibility and protect both you and your users. A properly drafted Privacy Policy protects against potential claims that may arise from users of your website. Further, courts look more favorably on a company that has a Privacy Policy and which is being complied with. 

4. What information do you need to create a Privacy Policy?

To create your Privacy Policy you’ll need the following minimum information:

  1. The date when the Privacy Policy will become effective
  2. The details of the business (i.e. name, address, email and telephone number)
  3. If your website will collect payment information (i.e. credit card details)
  4. If your website will collect email addresses for email communications (i.e. newsletters)
  5. If your website will collect postal addresses for mailings (i.e. mailing on new products)
  6. If your website will collect telephone numbers for telephone contact (i.e. customer service calls)
  7. If your website will contain third-party advertisements

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