Make a statement under oath that you cannot get your spouse's consent in connection with the transfer of property.
An Affidavit of No Consent of Spouse is a written statement under oath by a person that he/she cannot get the consent of his/her spouse for the transfer of property. Normally, in transactions involving the transfer of property owned by a married person, the consent of the other spouse is required. In exceptional cases where the consent cannot be otained, the Affidavit is needed to explain why the person cannot obtain the consent of his/her spouse.
Say under oath that your business has no income for a certain period.
An Affidavit of No Income is a written statement under oath by a representative of the business (the “affiant”) saying that the business does not have any income for a certain period.
State under oath that you have not enrolled in any other school and, if applicable, the reason for any gap in your school enrollment
An Affidavit of Non-Enrollment is a written statement under oath by a person (the “Affiant”) saying he/she has not enrolled in any other school and, if applicable, the reason why there is a gap in his/her school enrollment.
Say under oath that you are adjudicating to yourself the entire inheritance as the deceased's sole heir.
An Affidavit of Self-Adjudication is a statement under oath by a sole heir (the “affiant”) where he declares that he is the only heir of the deceased and is adjudicating the entire inheritance to himself.
Incorporate a domestic stock corporation
The Articles of Incorporation is a document needed to form and register a corporation with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) of the Philippines. The Articles of Incorporation acts as the charter of the corporation and contains its most basic details (i.e. name, address, purpose).
Once the Articles of Incorporation and the required supporting documents are submitted to the SEC, the SEC will issue the Certificate of Incorporation formally recognizing the corporation as an artificial person created by law (i.e. given legal personality).
Please note that the SEC may require additional supporting documents to register the corporation such as; (a) cover sheet (available here); (b) name verification slip (may be secured online from the SEC or at the SEC’s Name Verification Unit); (c) by-laws; (d) treasurer’s affidavit; and, if necessary (e) endorsement from other government agencies. Please check here for more information regarding these requirements that may apply to your business.
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