- Create any document from our library of 120+ documents.
Included |
As low as Php 350.00 per document
Document Defense*
- Consult a lawyer for concerns regarding your Legal Tree document.
Included |
Php 500.00 per document
Peace of Mind review*
- Have our document specialist review your document for completeness and consistency.
Included |
Php 200.00 per document
Notarial Assistance
- Notarize your document at a discount with our partner notaries.
Included |
Not included |
Customer Support
- We're ready to answer your questions and assist you.
Included |
Included |
Ask an Attorney*
- Consult a lawyer specializing in your legal concern.
- * These services are not included in Free Trial
Included |
Php 500.00 per consultation
Only Php 1,000.00
to have unlimited use of all services for 30 days.
Php 1,550.00 for a single use of all services